Thursday, November 08, 2007


Sudah bosen sama alamat ini. Kepanjangan pula.. ga bagus lagi ah.. Waktunya buat alamat baru.
Try this:

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Aku bingung.
Bagaimana aku bisa bekerja dengan fasilitas kantor kalo aku tidak boleh berada disitu?????
Seandainya saja statusku bukan keponakannya. Seandainya saja aku tidak bekerja disitu. Seandainya saja aku tidak memilih pendidikan itu.
Mungkin semuanya tidak memberatkan kepalaku seperti ini. Mungkinkah status ini justru memberatkan dan menyulitkan langkahku..

will i ever...???

I'm a little bit confused by work today. Maybe, just maybe, if i weren't related to a certain important someone at work, maybe he would emphasize on that while saying that I should stay clear of a certain office space.
I am perfectly aware of the massive amount of important and confidential matters available in that certain office space. And I know that with my upcoming status as a student, I am not allowed to have access to those information. Because of that, I haven't violated any of my upcoming restrictions yet, no more than what I need to do may tasks as secretary and no more than what I am allowed to (after asking permission with the authorities of course).
It's no the "staying away from that certain office space" that bothers me. It's the family thing. Did he really need to say that? Did I get where I am because of this family connection? Am I not good enough by myself? He kept me wandering.....

My big question is: Will I live under this family shadow (at work) for the rest of my miserable life? When can people see me as who I am and my capabiliies?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

What Gilmore Girls character are you?

What Gilmore Girls character are you?
Your Result: Rory

You are bright, smart, and fun to be around. You can be shy sometimes, but when you're with friends or you're upset, they see a whole different side of you.

What Gilmore Girls character are you?